Helping Retailers Stamp Out Underage Sales
The 'No ID, No Sale!' campaign supports
anyone with an interest in preventing underage sales.
Preventing Underage Sales
Our main objective is to reduce the unlawful sale of age-restricted products to those who are underage. We help retailers in following current guidelines by providing free guidance, downloads and printed materials.
Retail Pack
The 'No ID, No Sale!' packs are available, free of charge, to ACS, NFRN, SGF members and other independent retailers. The materials in our packs help and support retailers in the prevention of underage sales.
Order Free Retail Pack
Order free Retail Pack and get the materials that help to comply with the legislation on underage sales. Doing so may prevent you from being prosecuted, fined or losing the right to sell alcohol, tobacco or lottery products.
Lay out your store clearly
Retailers selling age-restricted goods must think carefully about how to lay out their store. Keep age-restricted goods behind the counter, display relevant age-restriction posters and keep a log of refusals.
Challenge for ID
Younger customers must always be challenged for valid ID, even if they look like they might be old enough – look for a CitizenCard or other PASS card, photo driving licence or passport as proof of age.
Train your staff
Retailers rely on the snap decisions of their staff to prevent underage sales. Retailers must ensure that their staff are properly trained and have the skills to challenge for ID and record refusals.
It's not personal, it's the law!
Today, the phrase 'No ID, No Sale!' is widely understood and visible on shop doors, aisle shelves and above tobacco gantries in supermarkets, convenience stores, newsagents, betting shops and elsewhere. Its distinctive red roundel serves as a reminder to your customers that they can be expected to be asked for ID to purchase restricted goods. Use the materials in the Retail Pack to help you and your staff comply with the legislation on underage sales. Doing so will help prevent you from being prosecuted, fined or losing the right to sell alcohol, tobacco or lottery products e.g. if your shop has been caught selling tobacco to under-18s twice within 2 years, a conviction on a 3rd illegal sale can result in a Restricted Sale of Premises Order. It is a challenging role for all responsible retailers and the 'No ID, No Sale!' campaign materials are here to help.
The numbers of consumers not being age-checked remains high; however, the most recent figures are an improvement on previous years.

The 'No ID, No Sale!' campaign supporters