Download 'No ID, No Sale!' items for printing
You can download PDFs of selected 'Retail Pack' items for printing. You will need to have a PDF reader such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC or mobile in order to view and print the files.
Keep in mind you can order a pre-printed, FREE full 'No ID, No Sale!' Retail Pack (including posters and leaflets) for delivery to your store.
Retail Pack Downloadable Items

A3 Statutory Tobacco Notice
- size A3 yellow poster with bold, black text
- poster reads 'It is illegal to sell tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18'
- it is a legal requirement to display this notice if you sell tobacco
- it is an offence if you do not have the required notice on display
- N.B. MUST print in full colour and A3 size with the legally required sized letters

A4 Refusals Register
- an 8-page, A4 size booklet to keep close to your till for registering any sale refusals you may make
- you can find the instructions and explanatory guide on the inside cover, and 6 pages for your refusal records
- it is easy to complete and a great way to keep track of and show refusals are being made appropriately

A4 Refusals Register Extra Page
- should you run out of pages in your booklet, you can download extra pages for your Refusal Register
- print as many as you think you may need

A4 'Under 25' Poster
- red and black A4-sized poster
- ideal for advising customers they will be asked for ID if they look under 25 and attempt to purchase an age restricted product
- prepares customers to show their ID
- this poster is recognised by the Police and Trading Standards

CitizenCard Application Leaflet
- PASS is the UK Government Approved Standard for proof of age
- by holding a small stock of application forms by your tills, you can help your store by giving customers easy access to acceptable ID
- it is simple to fill out and the easiest way to advise somebody to apply for a CitizenCard
- this way, you can be assured that you have done your best to help assist the customer when declining a sale
Extra Downloadable Items

A3 Statutory Fireworks Poster
- size A3 white poster with bold, black text
- it is a legal requirement to display this notice if you sell fireworks
- N.B. MUST print in full colour and A3 size with the legally required sized letters; The Fireworks Regulations Act 2004 require a notice to be displayed in a prominent position in premises selling fireworks and it must be no less than 400mm by 300mm, with letters no less than 16mm high

A3 Age Restricted Items Poster
- this poster lists all age restricted products and services in the UK to back up any refusals you may need to make in your store
- intended to be displayed in A3 size
- it is a great way to inform customers of all the products and services that they can expect to be asked identification for

A4 HMPO 'Going Out Don't Risk Losing Your Passport' Poster
- this poster advises people to leave their passports at home and to choose a safer and cheaper option for ID, such as, any PASS proof of age and ID card
- pair this up with a 'Scan Me' poster to entice people to apply for a PASS-accredited CitizenCard
- this poster is recognised by the Police and Trading Standards

A4 'No ID No Sale!' Poster
- a vibrant A4 size 'No ID No Sale!' poster with its distinctive red roundel
- use this poster as a reminder to your customers that they can be expected to be asked for ID to purchase restricted goods
- we recommend displaying this poster near your tills so that customers can prepare to show you their ID
- 'No ID No Sale!' logo is widely recognised across the UK